An Alleged “Photoshop Fail” of Kim Kardashian on Christmas Eve Has Everyone Spiraling Over Her “Extra Thumb”

An Alleged “Photoshop Fail” of Kim Kardashian on Christmas Eve Has Everyone Spiraling Over Her “Extra Thumb”

It’s been a moment since the Kardashians have given the internet an alleged photoshop fail to discuss / spiral over, but…here we are! Back in the day, this family could barely post without commenters accusing them of editing fails—like, remember when Kim had this random extra finger lurking in her hair?

Good times, good times. And speaking of random extra fingers, some people lurking in the comments of Kim’s latest Christmas Eve photo drop thinks she has two thumbs on one hand. (Swipe for the photo in question—it’s her and North holding hands!)

I mean, sure, at first glance it does appear as though Kim has an extra thumb on her hand, indicating a photoshop fail. However! As plenty of people in the comments have pointed out, it’s more likely that this is simply an optical illusion. To put it bluntly: THIS IS JUST KIM’S OTHER THUMB FROM HER OTHER HAND, pls calm down!

As of now, Kim hasn’t commented on Thumb Gate™ but she’s no stranger to shutting editing allegations down. Back in 2018 she addressed a wild looking squished car in the background of her photo, saying “I’m seeing online and on news media outlets that I suffered a ‘Photoshop fail.’ So ridiculous! I reposted a picture on Instagram that a fan had already posted—I only added a filter to it… It looks like the fan mirrored the photo, which is the reason the car looks like that. So, this is actually really funny to me! Who would even Photoshop a car to look like that?! LOL.”

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